Do You Feel Stuck in Your Life?

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2022

Being a parent is never easy. Being a parent having a child with special needs is even harder. Trying to juggle life’s demands on your time and energy can leave you feeling drained and struggling to find meaning and purpose in your life. How long has it been since you truly felt your life mattered or felt your heart come alive with aspirations? Instead of waking up to a new day filled with hope and opportunity, are you feeling your life is stuck?

Are you Stuck in Daily Rituals?

There is nothing wrong with having daily rituals, but sometimes these rituals can make you feel that your life is dull and repetitive. You wake up to the same job and life. Household chores, errands, and being your child’s therapist, tutor, and taxi cab driver consumes your life. Do you ever ask yourself, “Is there more to life than this?” How do you get unstuck from life’s rituals to feel the joy of truly living the life you were destined for? How do you get unstuck?

 Are you Stuck in Your Role?

Being a parent of a child with disabilities is a role you play, but it is not who you are.  Although it feels like it consumes you, your roles are only one aspect of your life. One of the reasons why you may feel stuck is that you have become enslaved by your roles or titles. Have you ever looked at your role as a parent or even your career as just a job description filled with boring and lifeless things you “SHOULD or HAVE to do?” What about all the things we “WANT or COULD do?” Are we neglecting these? This could be the root of why we feel struck.

What would happen if you changed your perspective and saw your roles as exciting opportunities or pathways that could lead you toward the things you aspire to become in life? It is never about being stuck, it is about understanding the costs of not claiming the things you deserve. Don’t allow  life to pass you by when so many opportunities are waiting for you!

 How to Make Your Life a Journey

We are all on a journey called life. The thing you can’t forget is that a journey implies you are moving toward something. Feeling stuck does not mean you have to stay there. You have a choice. You can stay stuck inside a 3x3 box or start moving to get out.  Sometimes the hardest part is opening your eyes, increasing your awareness, and getting at least one toe out of the box!  The first step is to choose to set your life in motion and begin to  resolutely take full advantage of the journey ahead of you!

Over the next few weeks we are going to spend time sharing practical ways to get your life unstuck . You were born to live a life that matters and has purpose. Let’s work together to help and support each other toward getting unstuck and realizing the joy and fulfillment we deserve! 

Share below the ways in which your life is feeling stuck!  It is through sharing we ALL learn!


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